Información básica sobre protección de datos de carácter personal | |
En cumplimiento del Reglamento General de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, se informa al interesado de lo siguiente: |
Responsable: | RIUSA II, S.A.(Ver más) |
Finalidades: | La atención de solicitudes realizadas por los usuarios sobre reservas. La inclusión en la agenda de contactos. La prestación de servicios y la gestión de la relación comercial. Gestión de duplicidades de reserva en diferentes restaurantes. (Ver más) |
Legitimación: | Consentimiento del interesado. (Ver más) Ejecución de un contrato en el que el interesado es parte. El tratamiento es necesario para el cumplimiento de una obligación legal aplicable al responsable del tratamiento. |
Destinatarios: | Comunicación a restaurantes afectados en caso de duplicidad de reservas en nuestro gestor de reserva y en el caso de obligación legal. Se podrán realizar cesiones de datos para fines estadísticos. (Ver más) |
Derechos: | Acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, solicitar la portabilidad de los mismos, oponerse al tratamiento y solicitar la limitación de éste. (Ver más) |
Basic information on personal data protection | |
In compliance with the General Regulation of Protection of Personal Data, the interested party is informed of the following: |
Responsible: | RIUSA II, S.A. (See more) |
Purposes: | The attention of requests made by users about reservations. The inclusion in the contact list. The provision of services and the management of the commercial relationship. Management of duplicate reservations in different restaurants. (See more) |
Legitimation: | Consent of the interested party. (See more) Execution of a contract in which the interested party is a party. The treatment is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation applicable to the controller. |
Assignments: | Data transfers may be made for statistical purposes. (See more) |
Assignments: | Rights Access, rectify and delete the data, request the portability of the same, oppose the treatment and request the limitation of it. (See more) |
This booking includes a cancellation policy. In case the diners do not arrive or cancel the booking within a cancellation policy fee will be applied, with the total value of per person. A total amount of
This booking is associated with a cancellation policy, in case this booking is not presented or canceled you will be charged the amount of per person. A total amount of
There is a cancellation policy associated with this booking. In the event of a no-show or cancellation of this booking by less than a cancellation policy fee will be applied, with the total value of per person. A total amount of . Note that days before a withholding of as a guarantee of collection in case of non-compliance with said policy.
There is a cancellation policy associated with this booking, in case of no-show or cancellation of this booking you will be charged the amount of per person. A total amount of . Note that days before a withholding of as a guarantee of collection in case of non-compliance with said policy.
During this process we will transfer your data in encrypted form directly to Stripe Inc, who will be the Data Controller. You can consult their privacy policy at Privacy Policy .
Go to the new tab that your browser has just opened to insert your card and confirm the booking.
CoverManager means Hospitality