Información básica sobre protección de datos de carácter personal | |
En cumplimiento del Reglamento General de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, se informa al interesado de lo siguiente: |
Responsable: |
Popy Moset SL(Ver más) |
Finalidad: |
La prestación de servicios y la gestión de la relación comercial. Gestión de duplicidades con otros restaurantes. (Ver más) |
Legitimación |
Consentimiento del interesado. (Ver más) Ejecución de un contrato en el que el interesado es parte. |
Destinatarios |
Comunicación a restaurantes afectados en caso de duplicidad de reservas; a CoverManager para la gestión de la reserva y por requerimiento legal.Se podrán realizar cesiones de datos para fines estadísticos. (Ver más) |
Derechos: |
Acceso, Rectificación, Supresión, Limitación del Tratamiento, Portabilidad y Oposición (Ver más) |
Basic information on personal data protection | |
In compliance with the General Regulation of Protection of Personal Data, the interested party is informed of the following: |
Responsible: |
Purpose: |
The provision of services and management of the commercial relationship. Management of duplicity with other restaurants. (See more) |
Legitimation |
Consent of the interested party. (See more) Execution of a contract to which the data subject is a party. |
Addressees |
Communication to affected restaurants in case of duplicity of reservations; to CoverManager for the management of the reservation and by legal requirement.Data transfers may be made for statistical purposes. (See more) |
Rights: |
Access, Rectification, Deletion, Limitation of Processing, Portability and Opposition (See more) |
This booking includes a cancellation policy. In case the diners do not arrive or cancel the booking within a cancellation policy fee will be applied, with the total value of per person. A total amount of
This booking is associated with a cancellation policy, in case this booking is not presented or canceled you will be charged the amount of per person. A total amount of
There is a cancellation policy associated with this booking. In the event of a no-show or cancellation of this booking by less than a cancellation policy fee will be applied, with the total value of per person. A total amount of . Note that days before a withholding of as a guarantee of collection in case of non-compliance with said policy.
There is a cancellation policy associated with this booking, in case of no-show or cancellation of this booking you will be charged the amount of per person. A total amount of . Note that days before a withholding of as a guarantee of collection in case of non-compliance with said policy.
Go to the new tab that your browser has just opened to insert your card and confirm the booking.
CoverManager means Hospitality